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  • Date: 2018 - 06 - 20
    [product parameters]Chip:1. Frequency: 13.56Mhz2. Agreement: 14443A, 156933, capacity: 512 bits user area; 240 bits EPC encoding4. Reading and writing distance: 5. Data storage period: 10 years6, material: PET, PVC, PS, ABS7, label size: r30mm (can be customized)Antenna:1, substrate: PET2, material: aluminum foil3. Process: etchingProcess:Color printing, or silk screen printing;Magnetic stripe, barcode, signature strip, bronzing/silver convex code, gold/silver base
  • Date: 2018 - 06 - 20
    1. DefinitionFragile paper self-adhesive labels are an important type of self-adhesive labels. The breaking strength of the fabric is much lower than that of the adhesive. It has the characteristics of not being completely peeled off after being pasted and can not be reused. The fragile standard self-adhesive surface material is processed into a fragile label or a fragile sticker after being processed by printing, die cutting, etc., which is also called a product fragile quality sticker. It is mainly used for the use of some formal quality assurance methods, which are difficult to accurately g...
  • Date: 2018 - 06 - 20
    [Introduction to label paper type]1, thin paper type fragile paper self-adhesive surface materialThe thin-bottom paper type fragile paper self-adhesive surface material is suitable for printing on the label machine in the form of roll paper. Due to the low strength of the surface material, the fragile paper is only printed, die-cut, and not discharged; the finished label is only cut, no longer volume. Therefore, the fragile paper self-adhesive labels cannot be automatically labeled, and all are manually labeled.Thin-paper-type fragile paper self-adhesive surface material should not be printed ...
  • Date: 2018 - 06 - 20
    [Introduction to label paper type]1, thin paper type fragile paper self-adhesive surface materialThe thin-bottom paper type fragile paper self-adhesive surface material is suitable for printing on the label machine in the form of roll paper. Due to the low strength of the surface material, the fragile paper is only printed, die-cut, and not discharged; the finished label is only cut, no longer volume. Therefore, the fragile paper self-adhesive labels cannot be automatically labeled, and all are manually labeled.Thin-paper-type fragile paper self-adhesive surface material should not be printed ...
  • Date: 2018 - 06 - 19
    Technical characteristics   This product anti-transfer, anti-counterfeiting, fragile label is a special UHF label designed and manufactured by using off-line antenna, special chemical materials and packaging process. The product adopts our unique fragile patent technology, which is different from the traditional UHF. Electronic labels or paper security labels can really achieve a tear-and-break effect.   • ISO-14443A International Standard   • The substrate is made of fragile materials such as shredded paper and coated paper;   • This label adopts specia...
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  • Shenzhen XinHuaWei Technology Co., Ltd.
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Baggage remembers the electronic tag that you can send your checked baggage status to your phone.(1)

上市日期: 2018-06-15

Going home during the Chinese New Year, in addition to the cumbersome purchase of tickets, the tiredness of the journey, what are you most worried about? For many students who want to travel long distances, I am afraid there is nothing more worrying about the safety of checked baggage. Today's violent transport companies are endless. If you can't carry them with you, how can you ensure the safety of your luggage?

The British company Cambridge Consultants thought of a good way to label the luggage with an electronic tag and let it record its own "journey" and report the owner at any time in case of danger. The name of this electronic tag is called DropTag.

DropTag is actually a collection of simple, low-cost sensors and Bluetooth communication units. Data collected by sensors such as gyroscopes, temperature, acceleration, humidity, etc., DropTag can record what happened to your package during transportation. If your baggage is abused by the shipping company, it will immediately connect to your phone via Bluetooth. Alert the owner.

Cambridge Consultants has developed a mobile app to manage this data and provide a valuable reference report after the shipment. DropTag's maximum communication distance is 50 meters, which is a conservative number for Bluetooth 4.0 with a theoretical transmission distance of more than 100 meters.

There is no more details on the DropTag e-label. Cambridge Consultants will show it at the Hannover Messe in Germany on April 8th, and we will analyze it for you.

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86 0755-29186669
Address: 7/F, Building E, Jinhe Ruihulin Industrial Zone, Zhangge Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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