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    [product parameters]Chip:1. Frequency: 13.56Mhz2. Agreement: 14443A, 156933, capacity: 512 bits user area; 240 bits EPC encoding4. Reading and writing distance: 5. Data storage period: 10 years6, material: PET, PVC, PS, ABS7, label size: r30mm (can be customized)Antenna:1, substrate: PET2, material: aluminum foil3. Process: etchingProcess:Color printing, or silk screen printing;Magnetic stripe, barcode, signature strip, bronzing/silver convex code, gold/silver base
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    1. DefinitionFragile paper self-adhesive labels are an important type of self-adhesive labels. The breaking strength of the fabric is much lower than that of the adhesive. It has the characteristics of not being completely peeled off after being pasted and can not be reused. The fragile standard self-adhesive surface material is processed into a fragile label or a fragile sticker after being processed by printing, die cutting, etc., which is also called a product fragile quality sticker. It is mainly used for the use of some formal quality assurance methods, which are difficult to accurately g...
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    Technical characteristics   This product anti-transfer, anti-counterfeiting, fragile label is a special UHF label designed and manufactured by using off-line antenna, special chemical materials and packaging process. The product adopts our unique fragile patent technology, which is different from the traditional UHF. Electronic labels or paper security labels can really achieve a tear-and-break effect.   • ISO-14443A International Standard   • The substrate is made of fragile materials such as shredded paper and coated paper;   • This label adopts specia...
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Mature case

Clothing management label application

上市日期: 2018-09-29

The multi-core garment management label adopts advanced foreign production technology and realizes data encryption more secure. Catering to market demand, R & D products are smaller and more convenient to use products, making the structure more humane, more reasonable, and more suitable for use in garment packaging management. Today, Polycore will tell you about the application of clothing management labels on clothing packaging.

The shape of the RFID electronic tag can now be made very thin. It can be attached to a non-dry film or any other form of clothing packaging. Its shape is not critical. It can even be packaged inside the item, as long as the electromagnetic penetration can penetrate inside, so the printing and production of electronic labels will be more flexible than traditional barcodes, but people may also use barcodes. The shape of the label is designed as the shape of the electronic label. The reason for this is because of the inertia of thinking. The second reason is because the label type is suitable for packaging and management of goods.

The cost of electronic tags is a very important factor that limits the ability of electronic tags to completely replace traditional bar codes. According to the calculation of the relevant agencies. When the cost of an electronic label is reduced to seven cents, the electronic label will completely replace the barcode label. This day may not be too far, according to the prediction of foreign institutions. After five years, the cost of electronic tags is expected to drop to this level.

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Address: 7/F, Building E, Jinhe Ruihulin Industrial Zone, Zhangge Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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